Whit DANCEPHONIC Sell Your Music Now!

DANCEPHONIC is the easiest way for Labels to get music into iTunes, Spotify, Amazon, Google Play, and more.

Upload Unlimited.
Promotional tools available.
Sales Trend & Royalties report into your account.
NO Per Store Fees.
NO Per Country or Region Fees.
NO Cancellation Fees.
NO UPC or ISRC Code Fees.

Our Key Features


Smartly manage and promote your whole catalog. The Dashboard provides ultra-precise analytics to turn your audience engagement into sales.


Thanks to our technology, you can deliver all your releases across multiple formats: Singles, EPs, Albums, Pre-order, Instant gratification, Ringtones, Videos…


We'll get your music into iTunes, Beatport, Spotify, Traxsource, Amazon, Google Play, Tidal, YouTube, Deezer and 150+ other stores & streaming services.

A Worldwide Distribution Network.

Dancephonic provides direct access to all the major worldwide digital service providers and worldwide delivery to more than 150 digital stores
and services, including all the leading ones from iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Beatport, eMusic, Shazam, Rdio, Deezer...

Innovative digital distribution and promotion technology integrated with several hundred digital music stores worldwide.


• Distribution deals from as 10%-20%-30%.
• No setup fees.
• Exclusive release date on Beatport and more.
• Daily sales statistic.
• Your music under your label on all stores.
• Create new albums from your existing cat.
• Transparent and detailed financial reporting.
• Beatport + other store approval help.
• Free deliveries, updates and takedowns.


• Sign Up and setup your account: Free
• Add your label(s) to stores: Free
• Add ISRC code: Free
• Add EAN/UPC code: Free
• Encode / Delivery (Audio): Free
• Encode / Delivery (Video): Free
• Take Down: Free
• Edit and re-deliver: Free
• Track to Stores: Free
• Album to Stores: Free
• Transferring Your Label: Free


1. Uploading: You can quickly and easily upload music files by web site up-loader and a few minutes for create the album.

2. Delivery to Stores: Full integration with stores for quick and reliable delivery of albums, eliminating any errors.

3. Reporting and Payment: Financial reports are generated automatically within 45 days after each quarter.

Distribute Your Music

Dancephonic is a service for Label that puts your music into online stores & streaming services. Then when people listen or download to your music, we send you money.

Real Time Sales
We give daily sales reporting for Amazon.com, Beatport, Deezer, eMusic, Google Play Music, iTunes, Juno Digital, Qobuz, Spotify, VirginMega, and more in your account.

We can send your royalties payment via PayPal, International Bank Transfer or Western union / Moneygram money order. Dont need send Invoice to us.

No Setup Fees or Hidden Charges
We provide transparency with our pricing which means no setup fees or hidden costs. We pride ourselves on consistently offering the most competitive commission rates with unprecedented levels of help, advice, service and features.

We Help You Grow And Get + Money

With the biggest selection of stores reporting your sales figures daily this trend stats are also available so you can see how your new release is selling in the main stores. Through our market-leading technology partner and reporting It has a plus for your company to make + money. Keep 70% - 80% or 90% of your royalties, get paid quarterly.

Distribution Deals

Dancephonic can offer bespoke exclusive or non-exclusive deals with commission rates variable according to the sale of each label:

70% = Quarterly Gross Sales from 0 to €1999.
80% = Quarterly Gross Sales of €2000 to €4999.
90% = Quarterly Gross Sales of €5000 and over.

Our Services

We offer many services to enhance your record label and maximize their potential within the market. Distribution, Promotion, Mastering, Neighboring Rights, Video Distribution, Youtube monetization , and more...

Get Paid For Every Play!

Monetize your music on YouTube and collect revenue on every video using your music.

What Labels Say

Dancephonic helped us distribute our albums, Schedule the best release dates, empowering new labels to enter into the market strong, highly recommended is Dancephonic service.

Matihas Greger

Defektive Records

Submitting my catalogue through Dancephonic was literally as easy as setting up an email account. It walked me through the process step by step. Whenever requested sales reports, I can get up to date information on the number of downloads the album is getting and what regions the downloads are coming in from. I could not be happier With The Results."

Miranda Hunt

ATOM Records

The service is dynamic and fast, efficient distribution, we are very happy to be several years working with dancephonic

Philip More

Smarted Recordings