About Us

Dancephonic in these 12 years helped more than 17000 labels and more than 1150 artists with their service YFL (Your First label) to distribute and promote their record labels catalog.

We offer a wide selection of services designed specifically for independent record labels that enables them to efficiently manage many areas of their business.

We also provide a great deal of advice and guidance to our labels to help them grow and achieve their potential.

In particular we assist and advise all new labels that are starting in the music business.
We specialize in the digital distribution of music, we closely work with all of the dance stores to ensure that your content of electronic music is known all over the world.

In addition we work with all of the major download stores and we are constantly expanding our store network to include new stores.

We also have a healthy dose of experts in house music which enables us to deliver support and advice tailored specifically for the needs of an independent record company in especially...

When start all over...

Dancephonic Distribution was born at the end of 2009. It was a way to absorb the growing flood of new labels, everyone wanted to show their talent but did not have the necessary means to accommodate everyone. Dancephonic offered this space for new independent records labels.

Starting in December 2009 with just 12 labels, today the number has reached to more than +4650 independent labels that currently work with our company.

We offer services of distribution, mastering and for all our artists to be known for there label we offer (Your First Label Service).

In Dancephonic, we as a team continue to work closely with their client base of labels and as a result are constantly streamlining, updating and tweaking their systems.

They endeavour to offer more features and services in the future which will in turn provide record labels with more tools to allow them to run their businesses better.

Our services are similar to those delivered by the market but the difference is our methodology of work, we enjoy a close relationship with our customers, we are not a cold business where we believe our customers are just a number, for we are people and we deserve to be treated and respected as they are.

We have instead chosen our own path and continue to develop and present all new methods of tackling crowded avenues of the music industry.

Look forward to each year providing the best service, our intention is to be improving day by day.
Now at the end of 2021, when it has not been easy these last 2 years in the world, we are still working hard and with a lot of passion for the music, djs, producers and labels around the world.